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Chiayi Train Station
Jhuluo customs
35656 UpdatedDate:111-10-17

Reappearance of a Historical Landmark


.The moderate railway station was a steel concrete structure with classical symmetry design, simple gables, geometric totems, and streamlined modern design.


.The Chiayi Train Station is the gateway to the city; therefore, it is closely connected to the development of this region. After the North-South Highway commenced operation, Chiayi Train Station became the center of city development, as it was located at the pivot point of railway and highway traffic. The architecture of this railway station is highly representative of the local history and culture.


.Chungshan Road starts from the railway station and ends at Chiayi Park; the east-westward road was called the "Great Pass". People in the neighboring regions travel through Chiayi Train Station. The Japanese ruled Taiwan for 50 years. To manage the settlements, as well as developing the abundant natural resource, the Japanese built the North-South Railway. The Chiayi Train Station became the center of block-type city development in Qing Dynasty. The North-South Railway divides Chiayi into two regions. The front station prospered as the city's business district, especially in the southeast side, and the vast northwest side behind the station was scarcely developed.


.The platform roofs of the Chiayi Train Station have a very special design; they were constructed with the railway tracks. The Chiayi Train Station was once a very important gateway, serving the functions as a passenger, cargo, and sugar dpot.


History Minipedia


.1896, the Chiayi Train Station was built, which was a single-story wooden structure with Japanese style slanting roof and rain-shield walls. In 1933, the station was rebuilt to the current structure.


.Chiayi Station is a major stop along the North-South Railway, as well as the starting point of the 

Alishan Railway. It has been a very busy gateway in the region.


.This large station will be preserved in the future modernization plans. The hall and waiting rooms are large enough to accommodate the increasing number of passengers.


.It was the site where Taiwanese elites were executed in the 228 Incident in 1947.

Traffic Info
23°28'44.62320" N 120°26'28.27320" E
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