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Turkey on Rice

Different restaurants serve turkey on rice in different styles and with different tastes. The tender turkey breast is shredded or sliced and put on top of lustrous steamed rice. Different unique kinds of gravy are used. It costs just a few dollars to enjoy a delicious bowl. You can eat your fill while giving your taste buds a thrill.

The secret of turkey on rice

Turkey on Rice

Turkey on Rice

  • Turkey

Deeply steaming the turkey helps to preserve the juice in the meat. It is tender and smooth. The turkey breast will usually be shredded or sliced to bite-sized pieces. Other parts of the turkey are also tasty without being greasy. The texture of turkey meat is chewy, while that of chicken breast and chicken leg which is used more often is firmer. Turkey meat with skin on it gives a proper balance between fat and lean meat that no one can afford to miss.

  • White rice

The rice for the turkey should be sticky and chewy. It should not be overcooked to the point of becoming glutinous and losing its flavor after mixing with gravy. The rice used is mostly grown in Xiluo, which has a special scent and flavor. The key here is to “keep the rice simmering for about 5 minutes after cooking” in order to fully retain the moisture. This will make a nice bowl of rice.

  • Unique gravy

The gravy for turkey on rice is blended with fat and soy sauce in proper proportion. Each shop has its unique recipe, which remains a trade secret. The broth for cooking the turkey is usually used as the base ingredient, mixed with black bean sauce, chicken fat or pork fat and other secret ingredients. A small spoonful of gravy will be sufficient to bring a bowl of turkey on rice to life.

  • Green scallion oil dressing

The final secret for making the fragrance of a bowl of turkey on rice jump out is green scallion oil dressing. The preparation of this dressing is a little complicated. First the skin of the green scallions is removed and the green scallions are chopped into tiny pieces. Then the chopped green scallion is deep fried in pork fat at a low temperature. This dressing is the last touch on an exotic bowl of turkey on rice.

You must eat when you come to Chiayi City

You must eat when you come to Chiayi City!

Some shops may use other side dishes as a substitute, such as pickled turnip, pickled vegetable, radish or fried egg. The great variety of gravies and side dishes really gives turkey on rice many options.

This content is an extract from the book “Turkey Rice for Touring Chiayi, Chiayi healthy Food is My Top Choice”, provided by the Department of Health, Chiayi City Government.