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Chiayi Botanical Garden
Natural ecosystem
27431 UpdatedDate:111-10-17

The Regenerative Heaven-The Botanical Garden


The Botanic Garden, established in 1908, canvass a land of 8.6 hectares. Situated at the northeast corner of Chiayi Park, it was the production and testing center for rubber seedlings. In later days, the center was converted into a research center for tropical plants, and, after the Republican government took control, the center was reassigned under the management of the Forestry Research Institute for tree seedlings. 


Due to the factors that Chiayi is a crossing zone of the Tropic of Cancer, the Forestry Testing Lab carried out a series of forestation experiments for tropical and subtropical species. In the earlier stage, species like Brazilian Rubber, Narra, Alstonia, and over 100 species of Southeast Asian economic plants, including West Indian Mahogany, were planted in a cluster planting method without systematic zoning.


Currently, there are 140 species in the garden, classified into 47 families and 107 classes. Most are specimen trees, including West Indian Mahogany, Hook Pine, Alstonia, and Brazilian Rubber. Over a century, trees in the garden have grown tall and strong, and the serene environment provided by the woods makes this place one of the best "recreational spaces" in the city.


A stone stele inscribed with “Forest Breeze" testifies to the beauty of this garden. It is a stele marking the status of this garden as one of the Eight Wonders of Chiayi. The "metropolitan botanical garden" is one of the best floral worlds, serving the city with multiple functions for natural preservation, academic research, education and recreation.


Under the shade, a narrow paths leads to scattered seats. There are brides-to-be posing their best for the memory of eternal love, and the footsteps of people seeking a bath in the refreshing air out in the woods. There's no noise of the outside world; only the beautiful music of nature and people who share the same interest in tranquil relaxation.

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23°29'2.17680" N 120°28'4.12680" E
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